Coaching - The Confidence Clinic & Club Ltd.

Principles of Life Coaching:

Learning to be a life coach totally changed my life and the principles of life coaching can help people of any age with many problems and issues. Here are the principles in short:

  1. Learning to be grateful for everything that you have in your life.
  2. Catch yourself when you are putting yourself down or thinking negatively about things. Your attitude is everything. Changing what needs to be changed in order to live a happier life.
  3. Focus on your goals - what is it that you really want and how to move towards it.
  4. Being true to yourself - how to listen to your intuition and your heart, not your negative self talk.
  5. Self belief - digging deep inside knowing that you can change to be happier.. using relaxing visualizations, imagery and affirmations to assist with this.
  6. Self awareness - realizing what you are doing to yourself with your thoughts, some of this is ingrained, from childhood, beliefs that were never true to start with.
  7. Mindfulness - being in the moment, enjoying every minute, not living in your head.
  8. Not allowing others or yourself to de-rail you on your journey. Moving away from drama, gossip, conflict and towards a more loving, caring, helpful way of life.
  9. Practicing the above or parts that affect you, and not being hard on yourself when you fall down.

A Life Coaching Session:

Life Coaching is usually a 1 hour discussion between the coach and client, which is action based i.e the client leaves with an action plan and some new way of thinking, and/or tools to help them with their issues or problem. It is usual to have a follow up session a week later, to encourage and fine tune their new habits and discuss how they got on. A once off session can sometimes be helpful, but as there is no commitment to change, any benefits gained can be short lived. We recommend a minimum of 3 weeks of life coaching to see real & lasting change. Some clients come back when they're going through a tough time. Some clients come once a month for a certain period as they change their lives for the better. There is no one rule. Read our parents frequently asked questions here.

Picture: A road block - it is explained to all clients that on our road in life sometimes we get stuck, behind an obstacle or road block. Coaching helps the client to figure out what the road block is, and how to get over it, or move it out of the way, to help the client to get back on track to being happy or content every day.

Child and Teen Coaching - The Confidence Clinic:

Coaching Children and Teens since 2012, the last 10 years have been very rewarding and a steep learning curve. When we started there weren't many life coaches around and certainly not for Children and Teens. However, many children are very quick to realize how they can change and improve their lives, some only needing a couple of sessions, for others it may take a little longer it depends on the situation. It is very often easier for children to open up with a stranger or someone far removed from their family, as there is no emotional bond. The changes can be immediate and very liberating for the child, but coaching is not magic, they will have to practice what has been agreed in the session. They will leave with a list of items agreed upon, which they want to practice. The Client helps come up with this list themselves, they have choices, and they are generally committed to it. Children and teenagers who want to come to a session and want help, are the ones who have the most success. Sometimes though, they don't realise they need help until we start to talk. A Parent should always discuss what they hope the child will get from the coaching session, and be upfront about why they want them to go. In saying that, Life Coaching sessions are client led and we will discuss whatever comes up for the child/teen. Parents or guardians are welcome to stay and sit in, but only if the child or teen wants them to. The best results are generally achieved when the child is alone as they are free to express themselves without worry of upsetting their parents. Parents are kept up to date on the progress of the sessions by their child's coach, without breeching confidentiality.

Some issues include (but are not limited to):

  • Lack of Confidence / Shyness
  • Friendships / relationships
  • Bullying
  • Anxiety* / worry
  • Difficulties at School
  • Moving House
  • New School /College / University
  • Study Motivation - Teens
  • Exam Stress - Teens
  • Career Choices - Teens

Testimonials can be found on the testimonials page. Please Click here to read them. 

*A serious anxiety disorder should be medically diagnosed by a GP and a long term therapist should be sought.
You can read our Child Safeguarding Statement by clicking here.

We follow the ethics of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) of which we are members. You can read them here

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