Testimonials - The Confidence Clinic & Club Ltd.


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May 2023:

My daughter lost confidence after going into secondary school and one evening while we were chatting she asked me if she could talk to someone to help her with her overthinking and subsequent anxiety.  I didn't want to pursue the road of counselling as I felt it was too deep and I did not think my daughter needed it so I started my research and came across the Confidence Clinic.  I booked an appointment in 2020 with Tracey and it was honestly one of the best decisions that I have made as a parent.  She gave her the tools to regain her confidence and to allow to do things outside her comfort zone.  She has guided her (and me) through difficult times. She is now dealing with things so much better and continuing to make new friends and take on new challenges. I felt so confident that my daughter was in safe hands with Tracey.  It helped me greatly as a mam to know that my daughter was being coached by someone as professional, logical and solid as Tracey.  I felt that the feedback phone calls with Tracey were invaluable.  Even though my daughter and I have a great relationship it was important for her to have someone to sound things off from someone outside the family.  I cannot recommend Tracey enough and I honestly feel she should be part of every teenager's life.  It would definitely make the journey easier for them and for their parents.  Thank you Tracey.


April 2023:

In 2020 I made a decision that would ultimately change my life for the better when I asked my mam could she arrange for me to go talk to somebody about my mental health. I struggled greatly with anxiety and overthinking so I struggled to keep my thoughts in order and it would often lead me to panic over very minor things in my life. From the very beginning Tracey was kind and understanding, never pushing me to discuss anything I wasn’t ready to. I immediately found the way Tracey explained everything very easy to understand. She was always very clear and made it easy for me to grasp. I found power in the knowledge she gave me about the way my brain worked and why I felt the way I was feeling which helped me finally be able to control my thoughts and how I was feeling. Without even realising it I slowly began to understand myself a lot more. I realised what made me upset and in turn was able to figure out to help myself feel better. To add to that, Tracey was amazing at helping me find solution to certain issues I might’ve been facing. She encouraged me  to find the solution myself which  helped build up my confidence so I could do it in all areas of my life. I met Tracey when I was 14 years old, I’ve just recently turned 18 and I can say my time with Tracey has truly been an invaluable experience. Her advice is with me everyday and even helps me to go on and help the people around me that I love with their problems. I am a completely different person inside and out. My confidence is at a place I never thought it could be and I am constantly pushing myself to do things that are out of my comfort zone and scare me. I wouldn’t have been able to do that without my time with Tracey. I cannot recommend Tracey enough. She is incredibly patient and professional. I cannot thank her enough for all that she has done for me 


Jan 2023:

It is hardly possible to put into words my admiration of the work of the Confidence Clinic. I was recommended to the Clinic by a fellow parent, and I have since recommended them to many others. The coach for our daughter was Tracey and we all thoroughly benefited from our time with her. My daughter loved every second of the time she spent with Tracey and I saw her understanding of herself grow over the 6 weeks they spent together. The resources that were sent home were a learning for the whole family and we all partook in this learning journey with her. Tracey was not only a support for my daughter, but also to me, and the weekly feedback allowed me to understand my daughter better and where I could adjust my own behaviour to facilitate more peace in the house. I can 100% recommend the Confidence Clinic to any parent that wants to help their child become the best version of themselves.

October 2022:

My teenage daughter started coaching sessions with Tracey in July of this year . Becky presented as an exceptionally shy teenager lacking confidence, who simply survived from day to day , seldom engaged in friendships, and spent too much time up in her bedroom unmotivated, and uninterested in doing anything except using social media!!!.As a parent, I found this upsetting and challenging.
Becky has had a total of six coaching sessions with Tracey to date .
All I can say is I’m truly amazed , and forever grateful to Tracey , as every day I’m seeing more positive results.
Becky has NOW joined a gym, she goes out walking to the park most days , has formed a new circle of friends , and most importantly engages with her sisters and parents on a daily basis .
Having spoken to Tracey recently, she tells me “This is the start of positive changes coming Becky’s way”
I would like to thank Tracey at THE CONFIDENCE CLINIC for her professionalism , empathy , and concern for Becky , as evidenced by the texts , and phone updates we’ve had throughout these coaching sessions
Thank you Tracey 😀


July 2021:

Hi Tracey, I hope you’ve been keeping really well and that you’re enjoying your summer so far! Sorry I haven’t been in touch sooner but I’m sure as you can expect, I’m still on the huge come down after the exams, I can’t believe they’re over haha!! I’ve just been relaxing and taking time for myself these last few weeks. I’m so happy with how they went which surprised me. I really do have to give you lots of credit though!! I wouldn’t have made it through the year without you and your amazing help, I can’t thank you enough. I used your breathing techniques throughout the entire exam process and even during some exams!! It’s amazing what just a few minutes of focusing on your breathing can do, it’s a life changer. You’ve helped me more than I can ever put into words and thank you for and I will definitely be keeping you updated on myself during summer and around results time!!

June 21:

Hi Tracey, hope you are keeping well! I’m doing really well although there are good days and bad days but mainly good ones. My life has changed for the better and I’m continuing to do things out of my comfort zone and using the techniques you have given me to get me through them. I feel like a different person! I am thinking of going back into college in September also. Can’t thank you enough for everything:)

Apr 21: 

My 8 year old Daughter had been having sleep issues which led to behavioural problems.
I contacted the confidence clinic and Tracey was assigned to my daughter.
Tracey gave her the tools to help control her thoughts and calm her mind and having a weekly catch up call with Tracey helped me as a parent understand what I needed to do to help my child.
I would like to Thank Tracey for her help and encouragement. My daughter has definitely benefited from these sessions and is getting back to her happy self.


Mar 2021

Choosing The Confidence Clinic was definitely the best decision we've made for our son Ciaran who was suffering from anxiety and debilitating panic that stopped him from expressing himself and his feelings in class and at home. Carol McGuinness is a fantastic life coach who had the ability to focus in, quite quickly, on the possible reasons for Ciaran's lack of self confidence and self-belief and was able to adapt and use each session effectively to ensure that her methods were as helpful and productive to meet Ciaran's needs.  I personally valued the follow up calls which helped me to understand different ways we could help him as a family. We are delighted with his progress and thank Carol most sincerely for all she has done for him. We truly believe he is a much happier more confident little boy as a result of the time he has spent with her.

Feb 2021

I was dealing with a very stressed out 18 year old Leaving Cert student who was also dealing with the uncertainty that Covid 19 has brought.  I was fortunate to come across Tracey and The Confidence Clinic, it truly was a turning point for both myself and my daughter.  Tracey offered a safe place where my daughter was able to speak freely about her worries and also gave her some coping mechanisms/reading material and ways to improve her self esteem and manage her stress.  The difference in her is unbelievable which in turn has taken the awful worry from me.  I can’t thank Tracey enough and would highly recommend her.

Nov 2020

I contacted The Confidence Clinic before my daughter started secondary school. I felt she needed a little help with some anxiety she had been experiencing. I also felt she could benefit from some help with the transition to secondary school on the social side of things.
From the outset Tracey made each session very interesting and relevant to my daughter, gave her  lots of helpful tips and advice and provided a comfortable environment for my daughter to talk.
My daughter is now really enjoying secondary school, is growing in confidence every day and feels able to deal with any anxieties as they arise.
Tracey contacted me after every session and while she never talked about what was discussed in the session she did give me feedback on how she felt my daughter was doing.
As a parent Tracey helped me to realise that I cannot fully protect my daughter from life and that I need to take a step back and allow my daughter to figure things out for herself.
I would have no hesitation in recommending Tracey and The Confidence Clinic .


Sept 2020

“I would highly recommend Tracey and The Confidence Clinic to the parents of any teenage kids that are struggling out there.  Tracey was brilliant working with my daughter and helping her through a very difficult time.  Tracey gave my daughter the confidence to look at herself and take responsibility for her actions.  She has guided her through a hard time with difficulties with friends and gave her the tools to put herself out there and make new friends.  Tracey is very clued in to the struggles that teenagers face within the world of Social Media.  Thanks a million Tracey for everything!!

Jan 2020

I simply cannot recommend or praise Caoimhe skills enough. I’ve called on Caoimhe twice for two of my children over the years for two very different reasons and both times I’ve been so happy with the changes in them and the difference I felt she made.
Caoimhe has an amazing ability to empower a child to find the solution within themselves which gives them life skills that they will always have and can draw on forever. I found her to be very professional but genuinely caring at the same time. I felt like I had huge support for myself as well as my child. She is just a gem and I’ll always be grateful to her.

Elaine, Swords

Dec 2019

Dear Caoimhe,
I want to thank you for your work with my girl in September. I had been worried that she was very sad and isolating herself after the 5th classes were split out into new classes. Her 'best' friends had been put into one class and she in another. She was very negative in herself and saying things like 'people don't like me' and that she hated her new class. She's also been assigned some resource hours for working on focus and concentration skills, so in general, seemed to be having a little bit of a hard time. All that combined with the age and hormones whirling, in general I was a bit worried about her.
So, with your help and in only 3 sessions, she has come out the other side as much more confident and happy! You helped her see that life is there to be enjoyed and that the new class is an opportunity to make more friends, not to replace her 'best' friends. She's a lot brighter and more confident and you also gave her a few strategies to help her focus in class. We've all noticed a change in her since your session with her and I want to compliment you on your work. I will be recommending The Confidence Clinic to friends who may have similar concerns about their kids and I'll definitely return again if the need arises.
Many thanks! E

Mar 2019

‘Our 11 year old daughter had been doing competitive gymnastics for almost 7 years but had run in to some difficulties with certain skills after a fall, which was causing persistent issues for her over a period of 2 years. When we took her to see Caoimhe her confidence was very low which was affecting her progression but more importantly her ‘love’ for the sport. Caoimhe was fantastic with her and they immediately had a great rapport. Together they worked through her all of her concerns and from there Caoimhe provided her with lots of confidence building techniques & tips to help both at home and in the gym. Within a few weeks she was back doing almost all of the skills she had difficulty with and continues to re-build her confidence in her own ability. I can honestly say Caoimhe helped her to find her mojo and that spark again and there is no stopping her now! Thank you for everything Caoimhe.’

Apr 2018

'Thank you so much for all the help you have given her these past weeks. It's so wonderful and such a relief to see, as if a weight has been lifted from her little shoulders. The difference now that she can walk away from any stress or drama and not carry it with her is fantastic. We really appreciate it. Thanks again!'

Oct 2017

'Caoimhe I can't thank you enough for helping (son's name), he's now like a different child, he is confident going into school, he has more friends and mostly he's happy when he comes home, no more tears thank God. He has come such a long way in a few weeks. He doesn't have the same hang ups and hardly cares what anyone thinks, he's no longer the one thing I worry about morning noon and night.'

Teenagers can be a tough audience but we are thrilled with the recent feedback from Students who recently participated in The Confidence Clinic Exam Stress and Study Motivation Workshop:

  • In 2020, Caoimhe delivered these workshops to total of 422 6th year students in 5 Schools - 86% found the workshop useful and 82% scored the workshop 7 or above.
  • In 2019, 95% of Leaving Cert students who attended this workshop, scored the workshop 7 or above out of 10 (4 even gave us an amazing 11/10!)
  • 99% said they would recommend the workshop to others.

When asked what was the most important thing they learnt; here are a sample of the comments:

  • "To believe in myself"
  • "To be confident"
  • "That I can do anything I want"
  • "That the Leaving Cert isn't the be all and end all of everything"
  • "That everything will be okay in the end"
  • "To change your self-talk"
  • "Breathing is very important in managing stress"
  • "That it is not too late to change my habits"
  • "That negative thinking will not take me anywhere. Being positive will help me forever in life"
  • "That I am worthy of being stress-free"
  • "That you can control and change stress"
  • "Being confident and know that I am capable"
  • "To make the most of our time and not to put ourselves down"
  • "How to change my negative thoughts into motivation"
  • "The positive mindset can help me work harder"
  • "To take a step back and realize my goals"

Feedback from Leaving Cert (Final Year) Exam Students 2016

'My mindset towards the Leaving Cert and Study has changed'
'I've learned how to be  in control of my breathing when feeling stressed'
'I will be more motivated to study'
'I've learnt to believe in myself and stay calm'
'I've learnt how to be mindful'
'I've learnt how to be calm'
'The meditation really let me relax and let me feel free'

Son was pulling hair out March 2017

Hi Caoimhe I just wanted to update you on (Son's name). He is flying along and not touching his hair at all since our visit to you. I got a note home from his teacher to say he's really improving in School and tonight I got a text from his soccer manager to say he can't get over the improvement in him!! (I didn't speak to him at all). I told (Son's name) earlier that we really should pop out to you to say a massive thanks for all your help and he said sure can't I just send her a text!!! I'm so delighted to see his confidence slowly returning. So thanks so much from both of us. We really appreciate all. That's the third one of my kids you've fixed!!'

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