Tracey Blanchfield - The Confidence Clinic & Club Ltd.
Tracey Blanchfield

Tracey Blanchfield

Hi, my name is Tracey!

I come from from Co. Wicklow, I'm currently living in Kildare with my lovely husband Colin. I have 2 amazing children, my daughter Kayleigh is in her late twenties. We are great friends & we spend time together whenever we can. My son Conor is forever 9 years old, he passed away in 2008 and even though we can't see him any more he is still a huge part of our lives.

A little bit about me

I have been working with children every day for more than 20 years. As well as being a life coach, I am passionate about children's yoga, building strong bodies & calm minds. I teach children's after school yoga classes in Blessington, Co. Wicklow. I am a child & teen life coach/mentor, I really love helping a child or teen who is struggling to believe in themselves by showing them how a positive mindset can change their lives. When I'm not working I spend lots of time cooking & baking. I am happiest when I'm with my family and my friends, sitting around a table sharing food & spending time together.


My favourite hobby is travelling, especially going to my little house in France and on walking holidays. Walking & talking are two of my favourite things. I really enjoy going to lots of music concerts & festivals. I keep my body healthy by running ( slowly! ), hiking in the Wicklow Mountains and spending as much time outdoors as I can. I keep my mind happy by spending time with people I love, by reading a lot and listening to good podcasts. I am constantly learning & I love studying, you will always find me in the middle of a course ( or two )


I work as a special needs assistant at a mainstream National School, the hours I work allow me to work part time as a children's Yoga Teacher and Child and Teen Life Coach (I trained at The Elbow Room Yoga Hub in Dublin) I am a qualified personal life coach ( Dip. Personal Development & Business Coach, Irish Life Institute )

I really enjoy coaching and mentoring children. I also really enjoy coaching children, teens & young adults through some difficult and challenging issues. I run workshops and classes in Schools and Libraries. 

I have studied Emotional Regulation Intervention, Anxiety Intervention, Loss & Bereavement and N.L.P. 

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