Christmas Time - The Confidence Clinic & Club Ltd.

Christmas Time

Christmas is a bizarre time when you think about it, other than the religious element, it is a time that the commercial world goes into overdrive in relation to presents, cards, trees, decorations, clothes. When you think about the amount of things that are ‘material’ in relation to Christmas, it’s everywhere. Every time you turn on the TV or radio, every time you set foot in a shop, or walk down the street, parents and children discussing over and over, what Santa might bring… even just driving around you see lights and decorations, and Santa Clauses’ looking at you.

Don’t get me wrong I like Christmas, but what I really like about it is seeing my family and friends over the month of December and into January. Catching up and having a chat over a meal or a glass of mulled wine perhaps…. If there was an open fire blazing that makes me feel particularly happy, cosy and Christmasy. Little Christmas traditions are great too, like looking out the window on Christmas Eve hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa and his sled in the night sky. Each Family has there own traditions and it is a special time of year, but isn’t it more about the people that you’re sharing each moment with, and not about what they gave you or you gave them. That’s just ‘stuff’ and stuff doesn’t make me happy, well not for long any how. It is the feeling of love and happiness that makes me feel good at Christmas. Knowing I have family and friends that I love to be around, that no matter what changes and what life throws at me, I’m lucky to have the life I’ve had, the people to share special times with, and the laughter too. You can keep the stuff, I’ll take the people every time. The warmth of a fire, the children playing with cousins or friends…. That’s what it should be about. Not the stuff.

If you find yourself alone at Christmas and it’s not a happy time for you, what can you do to change this? Can you invite someone over? Or go see someone that day to make it a happier day, if even for an hour or two. How would you like to make it a better time? I’ve heard of some families who volunteer at homeless centres in the City Centre and spend a few hours every Christmas day cooking and serving Christmas Lunch to the Homeless – what an amazing attitude these people have, it almost brings me to tears when I think of the selflessness involved in giving up your day for those who have nothing. They say the atmosphere is amazing and people are so happy and grateful to be there. Of course it’s not just Christmas Day that we should be thinking of helping others, we can do something significant any time of year.

A lot of people now a days don’t have the money to have the Christmas that they would like, or perhaps that they expect… don’t get caught up in buying, and the shops, get caught up in relationships. Who would you like to have a better relationship or be closer with? Spend more time with? Work on this and it will be the best Christmas you can have. People make Christmas, just like they make everything else. Our relationship with others and ourselves are what makes any day special. Get the gratitude attitude, be grateful for those who are around you, and for the great times you had with those no longer here, and forget spending a fortune.

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